Lee Truman's Thoughts

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Why the Gospels were written before 70 A.D.

History back ground  information concerning Shroud of Turin.

Ten Emperors of Rome claiming to be a god, persecuted the Christians who claimed only one God and not accept Emperor as God.

First Emperor to allow Christian freedom to worship, Constantine, 309 A. D.

Helena, mother of Constantine, goes to Holy Land, (328 A. D.)and marks historic places reference to Jesus such as place of birth, and tomb.

a. Constantine must have been influenced by his mother's Christian faith.

b. Personal thought. Paul and Peter were guarded as prisoners of Rome by the Palatine guards, some were converted to Christian faith, and they served in Emperor's household. This could  have been the origion of Helena's conversion to the Christian faith.

c. Manuscripts, and relics surface,  but move into Europe during the spread of Islam over the Holy Land. 


Jesus was crucified in 33 A. D.

Thirty seven years later, 70 A.D. the total and complete destruction of Israel as a nation takes place . The Temple, its worship pattern destroyed, as were the priesthood. All males over 17 killed. Boys, women and children rendered non people and are sold into slavery.

The writer of the books of Luke and Acts ends his record of what happened up to       68 A. D. (The death of Peter and Paul at the hands of the Roman authorities take place on this date.)

During the time between the death (and resurrection) of Jesus and the end of Israel, most of those spoken of and viewers of the events that took place in the ministry of Jesus, were still alive.

It is irrational to think that something as catastrophic as what took place in 70-72 A.D. would be of such minor unimportance that it would not be included by those who were writing the events of the time.

Logical conclusion, all four Gospels, and all of the Epistles were written before 70 A. D., therefore that recordin the Gospels is by eye witness' or told to writer as eye witness to the miracles and teaching of Jesus.