Lee Truman's Thoughts

Monday, October 20, 2014

A possible reason why ebola will continue to spread in Africa

  One item that seems to be too socially incorrect to report, out of respect for Islam, is the obligatory religious burial rules, laws and customs that are in force under Sharia law. The Obligation are about the same for both Sunni and Shia Muslims.

Burial must be on the same day of death and the closest family members are to wash the body three times, and under different interpretations they are to shave the body.

It is carefully prescribed as to who in the family that is to do this ritual and all family members are called on to participate. What is called for the family to do with the expelling of the body liquids is not what we would do but what they are asked to do has to be carefully observed. The exception to these rules is for those who die a martyr's death, "because every wound suffered will emit musk on the day of Judgement."

The burial ritual is based on the "habith" and the key commandment is that: "You are not to take a bath after washing your deceased, because he not "najis" (filthy). It is sufficient that you wash your hands."
This may be one of the reason ebola is spreading so rapidly as Sharia law, or long held customs are observed in African Muslims countries. They must bury their dead and Islamic burial custom must be observed by those of the Islamic faith.