War on Christianity by image.
When Hollywood undertook to remake the
1962 film, Cape Fear, the director, Martin Scoreses made a massave change. The crazed evil person was remade into a
Bible-quoting, in your face Christian, and if you missed the point, a huge
cross was tattooed across his back, and to affirm his point, in the attempted
rape scene, he screams: “Are you ready to be born again?”
What was being stated was if you are
Christian and believe the Bible, you are certified mental case and most likely even
Scorsese was portraying the assumption
that the media affirms the belief that religion is harmful to mental health. It
was Sigmund Freud who held that belief in God was a neurosis, and academia has
embraced that at all levels.
There was a study conducted by David
Larson which came to some very different conclusions. In his published research
he held that the empirical date showed this view had no basis in fact. The opposite
was the truth. Religious people were actually healthier than the general
population, both mentally and physically.
Expanding his original research, Larson found
that nineteen out of twenty such studies that were conducted along the same line,
showed a positive role of faith in preventing alcoholism. Fifteen out of sixteen studies showed a
positive role also in reducing suicide indicating that religious commitment was
identified with lower rates of mental disorder, drug use and both premarital
sex and sex outside of marriage. One
study showed that those who regularly attended a place of worship had on
average lower blood-pressure.
The down side that Lawson found was that
those who are believers of the teaching of the Christian faith but do not
practice it, do experience greater stress. People who believe in God but who
neglect Worship service attendance show higher rates of anxiety than the general
His conclusion was that the inconsistent
Christian suffers greater stress than the consistent atheist. The study did show that the committed
Christians rate their happiness higher than that of the general
population. My conclusion after
reviewing his work was that the most miserable person of all are the ones who
knows the truth….and choose another way to live their lives.