Lee Truman's Thoughts

Monday, August 10, 2015

Abortion view and what led me to believe as I do

    These facts have led me to affirm the position of believing that abortion is wrong.
     Being very aware of the honest division of thought that this position involves, and the emotions that drives this incredibly important debate, it has come down to these points of facts for me.
      The female of our species is burdened and or blessed with the physical characteristics which makes possible for her to fulfill that miracle of all human life we all enjoy and because of her body, we all are deeply indebted to our Mothers  for our lives.
      My faith has to begin with the Holy respect for every life and the commitment to the uniqueness of the life of each individual. The outcry is understood that it is a woman’s life and her control over her own body and what happens is her decision and responsibility concerning her body. This is stated as a valid position for those who see abortion as a woman’s right and prerogative.
     Again my faith comes into play with the affirmation that both our body and life are only entrusted to us for a period of time and we are only short term stewards, or keepers in trust for our bodies, and this is only for a period of time. We are not owners but stewards.  We did not design or make our spinal cord, or sketch out the cardio vascular system that serves us so well, or bring forth the arena of the world that lets life be possible such as the Van Allen belt.  Primarily, no one of us did engender or bring forth our own life or that which took place which made any new life possible.  
      Again looking through the lens of faith, I see the birth of a child as a world class miracle.  Having the incredible privilege of being a Pastor and holding a new life in my arms for the sacrament of Holy Baptism, I never performed that gift of ritual except that I did so on my knees.  I repeat, I deeply believe that each and every baby is a miracle beyond my understanding.  The affirmation of this in Baptism is a crescendo of the miracle for the body of faith called the Church. It is all that the words “The body of Christ” means to the Christian faith.
    This miracle of becoming is one that God has chosen to take place in the protection of the womb.  But what is becoming with in the womb is without question, an event that is totally unique in its self. The life becoming is to be, is not the same life as the Mother’s life. The new life in the process of becoming is uniquely different, even to being the same or of a different gender, intelligence, or talents than the Mother’s.  What is becoming in her womb can have a different blood type. The so called “mass of tissue” has different genes, different finger prints, different DNA and above all, a different gift of mind and talents. This one of a kind mortal with its own self-identity in the process of a life becoming what our Creator has set in the arena of our responsibility, morals, commitments, and purpose as co-creators to bring forth life. Then both co-creators, man and woman, are involve in and given the responsibly and joy to protect, nurture, teach, train and rejoice what takes place in the growth and becoming of that unique life form we call a child. A newly forming life is not the mother’s life or her property. The child to be is not her body to do with as she pleases, but quite another separate human being as we all are. The mother is herself her own identity as is the identity of the child.   
     In short, for me, the fetus is so unique, and considering that the Mother once was herself such a fetus, and for her to choose to end that budding life can only be called by its right name, be it taking place at the eighth month of pregnancy or in the eighth year of life. It is the M word I am reluctant to use.
    The issue of rape, incest, is what has to be considered by thought, responsible people, but all discussion has to be done only with pain, prayer and tears.